
I had a realisation whilst I was deep in my the design process,

"I'm am not THE designer, I'm just responsible for the design."

It's everyone in the team's, and in some respects the external stakeholders' design. When everyone contributes to the design process it is when the best solutions are birthed. It's just my job to help facilitate that and see those outcomes delivered.

A number of projects I've been involved in have been lucky enough to receive awards, in both design and technology. Here are some below:



“On each project, they aim to become part of the customer’s world for a more informed perspective, and make bold yet intelligent decisions to improve the end user’s experience”. - Luke Smorgon, Former CEO Transpire

These are most definitely team efforts here. It's the combination of some very talented individuals who made any of this possible.

Sir John Monash Centre

Digital - Government Services

Silver - 2018

Design Champion - 2018

Digital - IoT

Gold -2018

Design Champion - 2018

Digital - New Service or Application

Gold - 2018

Design Champion - 2018

Digital - Expanded Service or Application

Silver - 2018

Design Champion - 2018


Sir John Monash Centre aims to tell Australia’s story of the Western Front in the words of those who served through immersive and interactive multimedia installations.

Transpire created an integrated multimedia solution to coordinate and communicate with every piece of technology in the centre, from the show controller to the building management system.

It also developed both iOS and Android apps to provide a link between the visitor’s smartphone and the centre’s screens, with Bluetooth beacons used to determine location.



DreamLab - Corona-AI

Digital - Expanded Service or Application

Gold - 2020

DreamLab 2.0

Digital - Health

Silver - 2018

Digital - Expanded Service or Application

Gold - 2018


DreamLab 2.0 aims to increase the pace of cancer research by harnessing the power of mobile technology to create Australia’s first ‘smartphone supercomputer’.

Transpire developed the DreamLab app and back-end solution thanks to its high-level technical capabilities and human-centred design approach.

A team of approximately twenty people from Transpire worked on the project for two years in close collaboration with the Vodafone Foundation and AWS Australia.

Virgin Australia


Virgin Australia Native App

Digital - Expanded Service or Application

Gold - 2019

About the DRIVENxDESIGN Awards

The Melbourne DRIVENxDESIGN Awards program provides recognition across a range of tech and innovation categories, celebrating the creativity and courage of industry-leading individuals and enterprises.

It is primarily concerned with design as a market-based means of problem solving that prioritises user experience, recognising the design strategy and human outcomes as much as the form and finish.

Each DRIVENxDESIGN awards program collects ratings from an independent judging panel, industry experts, as well as the marketplace who commissions and consumes the finished product.

Designed by @zacdicko